
a zebra in a one horse town

The Turn- around Annointing

It's my belief that bad times cannot last forever. I have told my friends that many times. Unfortunately, 2020 has really challenged that belief; to be totally honest, I have begun to stop believing that principle. I began to believe... Continue Reading →

The Parable of the Selfish Virgins

There is a story of a wedding of a prominent leader to his childhood sweetheart. There were ten virgins in the wedding party. Three were wise, three were foolish, and four were just plain selfish. All ten virgins were close... Continue Reading →

A Parable of the woman caught at Planned Parenthood…

This is a parable with a twist.. You will recognize it immediately, if you are familiar with the Bible. If you are not and would like to read the original, you can find it in the New Testament, in John... Continue Reading →

Therese and Danny- A Love Story

The pastor's wife peeked into the nursery at New Life Church. "Ok, its time!" She said to Therese Thurman and her father. "You ready to do this, Sweetie?" "Yep, let's go!" Therese responded with a smile and reached for her... Continue Reading →

Bibles, Bootlegging, and Catacombs

Welcome to 2018, a time where every piece of news you hear requires a fact check. One such piece of news revolves around a rumor that says the recent bill in California that seeks to ban sexual conversion therapy also... Continue Reading →

Better Than You Found Me

Dear reader, My dear friend, Barbara Webster, encouraged me to write this, and it is the most important thing i have ever written. It is here that I share how I journeyed to healing and freedom from the sexual abuse... Continue Reading →

Toddler mom

Toddler mom verb 1. To walk through fire 2. To be at your wit's in one moment then feel like shit for feeling like you're at your wit's end 3. To routinely get toddler songs stuck in your head 4.... Continue Reading →

Keep Calm, Keep Believing, Keep the Faith

“I dare you to move, I dare you to move, I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor. I dare you to move, I dare you to move, like today never happened before.” -Switchfoot I dare you to... Continue Reading →

Motherhood Observed

I wrote this after watching a Ted Talk given by the poet Kevin Kantor, who challenged his audience to write a poem of their own. Here is motherhood as I have experienced it in my first year of motherhood.

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